Smart carbohydrates

Carbohydrates or carbs are often demonised in society and linked to obesity or weight gain in general, but is that the whole picture? Like many things in life it is more a question of shades of grey rather than black or white. Without getting too technical, there are smart or ‘‘better’’ carbs vs not smart or “eat-less” carbs; the smart ones add value and will improve your performance in the gym and everyday life while the not smart carbs are very easy to over consume (and end up craving more) and will lead to short term energy spikes and crashes. Here are some examples of smart carbs:

  • Fresh or frozen fruit

  • Starchy tubers such as potato, sweet potato, cassava, tapioca

  • Other starchy vegetables such as butternut, winter squash

  • Whole grains such as brown/red/black/wild rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, sprouted grains, slow cooking oats

  • Beans and legumes

The above carbohydrates are higher in fibre and nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. If you can include the above foods in your meals they add value to your body, and improve your health, digestion, waistline, and performance.

Save the pastries, cookies, cakes, ice-cream, donuts, high-sugar cereals, candies/chocolates, soft drinks, sweetened dried fruits for special occasions, like dessert after a fancy restaurant meal, or a slice of cake on your birthday. Then, eat them slowly and enjoy the indulgence.